3 key acting elements: from CoStar to Guest Star (aka leveling up)

In our CoStar to Guest Star class, we keep circling back to 3 key elements that differentiate an actor's readiness for costar and guest star bookings.

Each element requires time, patience, and dedication to the work, but is absolutely worth it. 

I've witnessed thousands of actors transition into guest star roles over the past 30+ years as a casting director. Here's how:


Understanding the different expectations and levels of responsibility (both on & off set) is a good start. Being able to confidently and humbly navigate the difference is profound.


Consistently practicing one's craft is expected for all roles, but refining your preparation process to serve the separate functions of a costar and a guest star role is mandatory.

Hint: Costar roles serve the plot, Guest Star roles serve the plot and also influence an aspect of relationship in the story.


Authentic confidence and the ability to creatively collaborate are essential for guest star roles. A genuine sense of belonging and readiness is key too. These might just be the tipping point of booking the gig.

Thanks to the incredible ensemble of actors I saw in class every Thursday...this essay is dedicated to you! x


Casting explained: it's just like Wordle (actors, this is for you)


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