Just a few hours ago: I discovered 3 of the most productive procrastination tools (WARNING: try 'em at your own risk)

1. Do laundry

Laundry takes time. It give you space to think. And, if you sit in the laundry room and watch the washing cycle through the circular glass, it starts to feel like you’re on an airplane in an enclosed space. Which might just motivate you to escape and move towards the thing you are putting off. 

2. Decide what to watch

Turn on the TV and click through every offering on every streaming service you have to try to decide what to watch. Decision atrophy sets in quickly and nothing seems interesting or satisfying. It becomes waaaay easier to just do the thing you have been procrastinating. 

3. Take selfies

If taking selfies is something you rarely do, this works like a charm. Use plenty of angles, delete some, resize others, wonder if the person in the photo is really what you look like, post on social media, then think about deleting them. In my very recent and personal experience, you will need to escape this hell ASAP…and the thing you were procrastinating becomes so, so much easier to start. 

Best practice is to sequence through all 3 listed above.

I promise, you’ll soon tackle exactly what you were putting off. You might even have your 22nd essay as the result...and some clean laundry.



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