Buying Running Pants Doesn't Make You A Runner (but approaching it like an actor DOES)

Nope, buying running pants doesn’t automatically make you a runner - everybody knows this, yet we still do it (at least I do). Why?

Well, when I start something new, I like to have the stuff to do it. The right outfit makes me feel empowered, and the act of searching for and finding the stuff actually feeds my passion for this newfound activity. Yet, there remains a chasm between getting the stuff and doing the thing.

So, how might one bridge this gap? Approach it like an actor.

Actors have a process in which they develop a character. The craft tools actors use can apply to YOU (and your new running pants too).

  1. Put the pants on. See if they fit. Do you look like a runner? When looking in the mirror, do you see your inner-runner? You probably do...that’s why you bought them, right? Great, you now have a costume that aligns with your intention. DRESS THE PART.

  2. Put these pants to the test. Can you stretch in them? How much and for how long until they gather or fall? Test your theory. Try them out. STAY CURIOUS.

  3. Can you run in them? For 30 seconds? How do they feel? What about running in them for 5 minutes? Do they still hold up? Tomorrow, perhaps you could try running in them for 20 minutes and see if they remain comfortable. APPROACH WITH DIFFERENT TACTICS.

  4. It's about the pants and if what you are doing causes them to change or react in some way. It's not about you anymore, or your failure to run every day, or your lack of motivation or your perfect stride. It's about the pants...figuring out the pants. You see, taking your attention off of yourself and focusing on the other keeps you moving forward and the self-doubt at bay. GET 'OFF OF YOURSELF' AND 'INTO THE OTHER'.

  5. Can you run in these pants day after day for a month? What if you put them in the washer, do they dry okay or should they hang dry? Keep it fresh, keep seeking new pieces of information until you have the utmost confidence in these running pants. DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH DISCOVERIES TO SUSTAIN TAKE AFTER TAKE?

  6. Each journey is a new start. Even if you've run the same 1 mile with these pants every day for a month, the experience will be different. The weather is different, your mood is different. And the pants may feel different too. It's impossible to repeat an action exactly as you once went through it, so keep aware of what is new today, and enjoy that run!

So, how did the pants do? Do you have a conclusion to their efforts?

If after a month, you are ready to test out another pair of running pants...well, I think you've become a runner.


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