Slow season woes?

You became an actor for a reason. Your voice, your instincts, and your unique thinking patterns are meant to be shared on-screen, on stage, and as a storyteller.

When there is a slow season or if auditions are only trickling in, and you want to make the most of your time…PRACTICE is the most profound way to up-level your craft, and career.

I mean, what better way is there to solidify your agility, trust, and reliance upon your creativity as a performer? Practice can mean a class, a play, a scene in your basement, and a million other iterations of get-on-your-feet-and-do-something-to-refine-your-craft.

Here’s what I know for sure. Time and time again, casting directors, producers, and directors have noticed individual growth spurts after slow professional seasons…and you know what the common thread is? Study and practice during that ‘down’ time.

Wherever you are in your journey as a creative, I invite you to dive into purposefully uplifting your craft practice, especially when/if times are slow.




If i could go back 20 years… this is what i’d tell my new-mother self about time off


An actor's trust in CREATIVE INSTINCT can apply to all. of. us.